Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Chapter V: Changes

After Xander's and Lilah's birthdays, I noticed Xander starting to act a little strange. He'd stay out late, and he was exercising more. I chalked it up to pressure from his coach to get in shape for the big game. I wasn't getting any reads on him that would indicate a guilty conscience or cheating, so I didn't worry too much. And he had recently gotten a promotion, so whatever he was doing it seemed to be working.


Besides, I was dealing with something more important anyway.

“Xander, I'm pregnant again,” I told him one afternoon.

He took it well. I could tell he was a little worried, but he smiled and hugged me, and that was all there was to it. We prepared to bring another life into the world.

This pregnancy was a lot more difficult than the first one, though. Not only was I already trying to keep up with one toddler, but I seemed to be much more tired and sore than usual. I frequently went to bed early, letting poor Xander feed Lilah and get her to bed after a long day at his job.

Lilah and I frequently went on walks. Since we had a little more money now, as well as insurance through Xander's job, I had been going to regular doctor's appointments, and my doctor recommended frequent exercise. “Walk 'em out!” he told me.


“That's right! You're having twins!”

I was dumbstruck. But I followed his advice, often taking Lilah with me to enjoy the serene beauty of the city parks.

I decided not to tell Xander we were having twins, and I kept the gender a secret too. I wanted to surprise him. Of course, with the late hours he worked, and my constant fatigue, it wasn't hard to keep a secret. We rarely saw each other anyway.

One night he actually came home a little early from work, and as he stepped into the bedroom, my eyes widened.

“What is that?” I asked.

“What? Oh... it's a mohawk. You like it?” I covered my mouth so he wouldn't see my amused smile. “I just wanted a change of pace, y'know? Something cool that sports fans could identify me by.” He squinted at me. “You like it right?”

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my mouth. “No,” I laughed, shaking my head. He grouchily threw a pillow at me in response.

Aside from Xander's mid-life crisis-induced haircuts and the fatigue from my pregnancy, though, life was good. I was enjoying teaching Lilah to walk and talk. She's a smart little girl, and catches on quickly.

I never imagined life as an Outsider could be so fulfilling. Though I still proudly call myself a gypsy, I am now one in name only, it seems. I have a boyfriend (Xander finally admitted that we were basically a couple), and a beautiful daughter.

We both have jobs, though I am beginning to wonder how sincere Beau's assurances are of me getting mine back when I am ready and Lilah is old enough. We even have a cozy little house now, though the circumstances surrounding the money we used to build it are a little mysterious.

One day, over 14,000 simoleans just appeared in our mailbox.* I don't know where it came from. There was no note or anything. We waited several weeks, but nobody contacted us, and I was nearing the end of my third trimester and we still didn't even have a room to keep the twins, much less cribs and a dresser. Xander finally took the money and went and deposited it. I tried to argue with him. “Xander, we don't know where that money came from. For all we know, it could be the Organization trying to frame you for leaving them.”

Xander just shrugged me off. “Or it could just as easily be from one of your relatives in the Family, Moriah. Or even my parents, who knows! Maybe they've come around and don't want their grandchildren to go without so much! All I know is, we need the money. And here it is!” He waved the bag with the money in it at me.

I bit my lip and said nothing. He was right of course. It could have come from anywhere. And it was perfectly timed. We desperately needed that $14,000. Besides, as a Roma, who was I to protest taking free money from someone who obviously didn't need it? But as he left the house to go drive to the bank, I couldn't help but shake the feeling that we were going to regret it.

*This actually happened in game, without any cheating or actions by me. It just suddenly appeared in thier accounts and the money sign popped up. I have no idea why or what caused it. But it fit perfectly with what I was thinking of doing with the story, so I used it. I assume since I didn't cause it, it doesn't affect the rules regarding the Legacy Challenge.


  1. Random money appearing in your game?! Wow. I wonder if it is a new glitch? o.O

    1. Yeah, I don't know what it was about. Though now I think about it, it might have been some kind of inheritance? Maybe? Because Bessie died. I dunno... do they do that? No explanation popped up at all. All I can say is this is one of the many times when I wish RL operated like the Sims! LOL.

  2. um I'm with her I have a bad bad feeling about this. I've had that happen as well. Never that much but a $1000 or so sometimes. It's odd but I take it. Maybe it's back maternity leave pay or something.
