Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chapter IV: A New "Family"

Life was moving along. I was getting very pregnant. I walked with the tell-tale leaning swagger adopted by all mothers in their third trimester, and none of my clothes fit anymore. We hadn't been able to afford new ones yet, but Dorie, bless her heart, had provided me with some of her old maternity clothes, and they fit rather well, despite our difference in size. I suppose she must have been much more slender before Bebe was born.  

I was nearing my due date when Xander, Party Animal that he is, surprised me with an impromptu baby shower! All our friends came crowding into our tiny little house until it overflowed with people.

Even Bessie and Buster came, despite their disapproval of how their son and I were living out of wedlock. They're uaually very conservative people, but I think they enjoyed themselves. The music of my people was playing on the radio, and they even busted a move or two!

All in all the party was a blast. Since it was such short notice, nobody really brought any gifts, but Xander did say that Dorie and another friend of his had given him money for the baby. I suspect it was only after being asked by him, but in truth we could really use the money. We haven't bought a crib or anything yet, and we've both been a little worried about how we'll pay the hospital bills after the baby is born. I haven't been to the doctor once to check on the baby's health, but my instincts tell me the baby is thriving, though we still don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I don't have a preference, personally, but Xander's hoping for a little girl “as beautiful as her mommy.” He can be such a romantic sometimes...

Xander's been working extra hard trying to earn a raise. He's been staying up late at night after coming home from work to work out to his little stereo, trying to bulk up so he can become a bouncer or something. I don't know, though. A job like that requires a lot of coldness, heartlessness. I'm beginning to think my Xander doesn't have what it takes to go far in the Criminal career.

* * *

It's a girl!

We named her Lilah. I went into labor one morning while Xander was at work, and literally had to fly to the hospital on my broom. Not an easy task when your stomach's the size of a bowling ball and every contraction nearly makes you lose your balance.

Xander arrived at the hospital a short while after I was taken to the Labor and Delivery wing, every inch the panicking first-time father. He'd left in the middle of a heist to be with me when our daughter was born, and when I started to worry about his job, he shushed me. “This is more important than any job. I want to meet my child!”

The delivery went surprisingly easy, helped along by herbal remedies my Nona had taught me when midwifing for the women in our Family. In fact, Lilah and I were doing so well that they released us from the hospital that evening, though the doctor did joke about keeping Xander for 24-hour surveillance. The poor man's nerves were shattered.

But the moment he held his daughter in his arms, he had eyes for nothing and no one else. I can already tell he will be a wonderful father.

When we got home, I put Lilah down in her crib while Xander called everyone we knew to announce the birth of our baby girl. Congratulations rolled in, and Xander's parents promised to come and see her very soon.

I went to take a shower, and when I stepped back into the living room, he surprised me with an announcement. “I quit my job,” he said.

“What?!” I asked, panick suddenly spreading through my body.

“I got a phone call from the head coach over at the stadium, and he said he'd seen me working out the other day. He says they need some new guys to qualify the team for the upcoming season, and I looked like a risk he was willing to take. He offered me a job, and a raise!”

“But... what about the Organization?”

“Screw 'em,” he replied. “I've been busting my hump for them for years now and never got a single promotion. I'm not cut out for a bouncer, and everyone knows it. Besides, I don't want our little girl growing up with a crook for a dad.” He cast a loving look at Lilah's sleeping form in the crib.

I was still worried though. “Xander... the Organization isn't exactly just another employer. Won't they come after you... if you just quit like that?”

“Nah,” he assured me. “I'm small change. They won't even remember me, I'm sure.”

I bit my lip. “Well... okay...”

“Moriah, come on. Let me do something for you and for Lilah. You're my family. Let me take care of you like you're always taking care of me.”

That got to me. I smiled and hugged him tightly. We held each other for a long time.

* * *

Time passes so quickly! 

Xander's been doing well at his new job. No promotion yet, but the money is nothing to sniff at and we've been able to afford to pay all our bills. I still haven't gone back to work, but Beau assures me my job is still open whenever I'm ready.

I've just had my hands so full with little Lilah. She's a wonderful baby, and so beautiful, though I'm sure I'm a little biased. Today she turned a year old! Predictably, her doting father threw her a birthday party, but what he didn't realize was that we would celebrate his birthday too. I made two cakes, and after everyone had shown up, I brought out Xander's, with thirty lit candles on it. He protested in surprise, but after a little prodding happily blew out the candles.

Then it was Lilah's turn. She didn't really understand the concept of blowing out candles, of course, so I “helped” her. I can't believe my little girl is a toddler now. It seems like just yesterday that I brought her home from the hospital.

I have such hopes for Lilah. I do not know if she is the one the Magic has selected as the Chosen One who will lead the Romas to peace, but she will doubtless take part in that heritage, and I hope to teach her to love our traditions and live faithfully according to Gypsy principles of loyalty and love. A little more than a year ago, I remember being hesitant to enter into this new life as an Outsider that the Magic had willed for me. Now I would not change a thing. I love my new Family, and I love my life.


  1. aww congrats on the baby girl. Xander is really stepping up into the role of family man even if he hasn't married her. She was right that they were a family with or without that piece of paper.

    His parents should be proud of how he's turning his life around, even if they aren't married.

    1. Oh his parents... hehe. Sorry, just saw this comment, and it's funny in retrospect! :)
